6. Durian Durian is a Kapok family Durian fruit tree. It is generally believed that the native East India and the Malay Peninsula are tropical tree species in Asia. From the country of origin to the neighboring Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Burma and India, because of its huge fruit shape, the flesh has a special rich flavor, and after being eaten, it is well cherished by the local people. It is known as the "King of Fruit" and becomes a famous tropical fruit. There are sporadic plantings in Hainan Province in China. All the trees are studied in the Xinglong Farm in the southeast of Hainan Province and the Baoting Tropical Crop in the south. Individual years can produce fruit. (A) Biological characteristics Large trees, 15-20 meters high, the trunk is obvious, branches are fragile and vulnerable to strong winds. Leaves alternate, leathery, long oval, smooth blue-green foliage, leaves with silver-white fine-grained scales furry, entire. Large flowers can be sown every year. Spring is better. Planting spacing is preferably 20 cm x 20 cm. During the growth period of seedlings, weeding should be noted and combined with fertilization to promote seedling growth. Good mother plants can be propagated in the air and can easily root. It takes only 60-70 days from the branch to the seedlings. 3. Planting seedling height 30-40 cm can be planted, plant spacing of 3 meters x 5 meters is appropriate, applied organic fertilizer, soil fertilizer and the amount of lime as base fertilizer. It can be planted throughout the year, preferably with soil. 4. Fertilization Management Results The tree should focus on applying one fertilizer per year, ie, pumping buds in the spring, expanding fruits in the summer, and applying fertilizer before harvesting fruits. In particular, it is necessary to apply fruit enlargement fertilizer. Deeply apply organic fertilizer after fruit picking. 5. Plastic pruning is very strong due to sprouting, 1-2 years after planting should pay attention to plastic surgery, timely pruning after fruit picking, in order to maintain a good tree. 6. When the harvested fruit turns orange or orange red, it is mature and can be harvested. After harvesting, the fruit cannot be eaten directly, but must be cooked after 4-7 days until the flesh is soft. China Agricultural Network Editor