The production of asparagus generally adopts seedling transplanting. The concentration of seedlings for transplanting is high, which can save seeds, reduce costs, facilitate centralized management, and help prevent and control pests and diseases and cultivate strong seedlings; it can prolong the growth period of the planting year and increase the output of the second year. When the seedlings are cultivated, they can be oriented and colonized according to the growth direction of the asparagus, which is convenient for cultivating ridges, harvesting bamboo shoots, and managing operations.

I. Cultivation season and sowing time

Asparagus spring sowing, but also autumn broadcast. Spring sowing is usually planted from February to April, planted from April to June, harvested from the spring of the second year, planted in autumn from August to September, planted from October to November, and harvested in the fall of the second year. The sowing period can be pushed forward 60 to 80 days from the planting period based on the conditions of the cornice and nursery.

Second, the selection of nursery sites and the preparation of seedbeds

The nursery must choose loose soil, fertile soil, good loam or sandy loam soil, with watering and drainage conditions, environmental ventilation, asparagus and onion garlic vegetables with the same lily crops, in order to reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases, before The crops that are crops of onions and garlic are not suitable for the cultivation or cultivation of asparagus.

Third, nursery methods and seedbed preparation

There are mainly nursery methods such as greenhouse nursery, small plastic arch nursery, Yangshuo nursery and open field nursery. Promote the use of nutritious seedlings nursery, transplant roots less injury, high survival rate.

1. Sunlight greenhouse nursery: Seedlings can be used to nurse seedlings, nutrition should be prepared before sowing, the diameter of the nutrition bowl is generally 8 to 10 cm. The nutrient soil was made up of 30% garden soil, 35% circumfertility, 30% peat soil, 1.5% compound fertilizer, 0.5% urea, 1% phosphate fertilizer and 20% potassium chloride, and was screened and placed in the pot. Place 4 to 5 kilograms of phoxim on the seedbed per acre, and add proper amount of sandy soil to mix the soil with the seedbed to prevent the underground pests. 10 to 15 days before sowing, the temperature of the covered film and grass beak increased.

2. Small arch shed or Yangshuo nursery: Yangshuo can be done before the winter, generally made of 1.5 meters wide, 10 to 15 meters long, the North wall is 10 cm higher than the south wall of Yang Yang, seedlings can be used to nurse seedlings, nutritional preparation method In the solar greenhouse, prepared nutrients are placed in Yangshuo or small sheds.

3. Seedlings in open field: 3000-5000 kg compost per acre, 50 kg compound fertilizer, and 25 cm deep plowing. After a fine soil preparation, make a plutonium with a width of 1.2-1.5 m. Finely crushed and flat. Planting white asparagus mu with 60 to 70 grams, accounting for 20 to 30 square meters of nursery area; planting green asparagus mu for 90 to 100 grams, occupying an area of ​​30 to 40 square meters of nursery.

Four, soaking germination

The asparagus seed skin is thick and hard, has strong keratinization, is difficult to absorb water, and germinates slowly. To promote the germination of asparagus seeds, it must first germinate before sowing. Before sowing, the seeds can be air-dried for 1 to 2 days. Then the seeds and insects are rinsed with fresh water, soaked in 50% carbendazim 300 times for 10 to 12 hours, and soaked in warm water at 30°C to 35°C for 2 days. Change the water 1 or 2 times a day, until the seed sucks enough water to remove it, place it in a pot, cover it with a wet gauze or towel, or wrap it in a wet gauze or towel and place it at a temperature of 25°C to 30°C. , Wash 2 to 3 times a day with tap water and sow after germination.

Fifth, sowing

Before sowing, nursery seedlings or exposed seedbeds are soaked with water. After water infiltration, a thin layer of thin soil shall be sprinkled. The open seedbed shall be streaked at intervals of 10 centimeters, or the soil with a depth of 10 centimeters shall be cut with a knife and one seed of the germinated seeds shall be sown. The center of the square or the center of nutrition, cover the soil 2 to 3 cm, filmed after sowing. The open ground can also be broadcast or drilled.

Sixth, seedbed management

1. Temperature: The suitable temperature for the sprouting of the asparagus is 25°C~28°C. The daytime temperature for the small arch shed or Yangshuo should be controlled at 25°C~28°C and 15°C~18°C at night. After the emergence of 25 °C, the minimum temperature of not less than 8 °C, the maximum does not exceed 30 °C, more than 30 °C timely release. And gradually increase the ventilation and hardening of seedlings to adapt to the outside world's natural environment. When there are more than 3 stems on the seedlings, they can be planted.

2. Water and Fertilizer: Before seedlings, the bed soil should be kept moist. Otherwise, it should be watered in time. After emergence, the roots of seedlings are weak, and the water is dry in time. When the seedling height is about 10 centimeters, a thin organic liquid fertilizer may be applied with water, such as fully decomposed human excrement or biogas slurry, and urea and potassium chloride may also be applied with water. The seed dressing may be 2 to 3 times. The seedlings can fully accumulate assimilation nutrients and cultivate strong seedlings in the late growth stage.

3. Cultivated grass: Immediately after emergence, the mulch is removed. After sowing seedlings, seedlings should be sparsely planted to keep the seedlings 7 to 10 cm apart. During the nursery, we must diligently rake the grass and timely cultivating loose soil. Appropriate soil cultivation will make the scale buds robust and prevent the seedlings from lodging. When the seedlings reach the standard for planting seedlings, they can be planted. The criteria for colonization were as follows: seedlings were about 0.3 meters high, and there were more than 3 above-ground stems and underground storage roots.

Traditional convenience foods need to be soaked in boiling water for consumption. Some special people, such as wilderness adventures, tourism, troops, and police officers, cannot be eaten without boiling water. Self-heating Rice does not need boiling water when cooking, no need for thermal power, tear open the outer packaging, pour the pure water bag inside it into the heating bag, the water and the heating bag will automatically mix and heat up, steam the rice and the dishes, 8-15 minutes Edible.
Decommissioning the ingredients of the Self-Heating Rice heating package: Inventing a multi-purpose self-heating bag, mainly using roasting diatomaceous earth, iron powder, aluminum powder, coke powder, activated carbon, salt to form a bag, which can be heated to 60 °C It can be used for heating in winter, medical hot compress, adding quicklime, sodium carbonate and water. The temperature can be raised to 120 °C to heat meals or steamed food. The temperature is kept for 20 minutes to 100 ° C for 60 minutes and 60 ° C after 60 minutes. The material used in the winter heating and hot compressing can be repeatedly used, and after being used, it can be mixed with quicklime and sodium carbonate, and then heated to heat the food.

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Ningxia Saiwaixiang Food Co., Ltd. ,