1. Performance of Green Mallard Duck Mallard is domesticated from natural wild ducks. It is a new type of farmed breed. Its disease resistance is strong and its production performance is excellent. Commercial ducks live at 10 weeks of age and have a live weight of 1150 to 1300 g. For 4.5 to 5:1, 12 weeks of age live weight is 1300 ~ ~ 1450 grams, feed ratio of 5 ~ 5.7:1, 12-week-old survival rate of 96 to 98%. Second, the nutritional needs of mallard ducks are detailed in the following table: Third, feeding and management 1. Brooding (1) using cages raising brooding method, the bottom of the cage with 40 to 60 cm bracket erected. (2) Temperature, the previous week is 33 ~ 30 °C, after the weekly drop 2 ~ 3 °C to temperature. (3) Humidity. Keep at 60% to 65%. (4) Illumination, 24-hour light was maintained for 1 to 3 days and then maintained at 18 hours. (5) Density. The density per square meter was 20-30 for 1 week, 15-20 for 2 weeks, 10-15 for 3 weeks, 6-10 for 4 weeks, and 3-4 for later period. (6) feeding. 1 day old 9 grams, 2 days old 13 grams, 3 days old 18 grams, 4 days old 22 grams, 5 days old 24 grams, 6 days old 26 grams, 7 days old 28 grams, 2 weeks old 44 grams / Only days. 2. Breeding period of breeding and management The growing period refers to the period from 15 to 84 days when the slaughter is on the market. Here, the commodity duck consumes 7 to 7.5 kilograms. Management can be transferred to rearing housing, take the ground mat grass form bred. The bedding must be dry, soft, and regularly replaced. The feed must maintain the full price of nutrition, add appropriate amount of green hay powder to the feed, in order to ensure the crude fiber content in the feed, and promote the development of the digestive organs of ducklings to maintain the subsidence of the digestive function. Mallards are moulted between 71 and 84 days of age. Poor management at this stage can lead to stagnation of commercial ducks, affecting the market age and quality of carcasses, so management cannot be relaxed. First of all, we must ensure that the duck house temperature does not change much, generally controlled at 13 ~ 24 °C, and secondly, to ensure the protein content in the diet, especially the content of sulfur amino acids in the protein, once again to ensure the concentration of metal ions associated with feather growth, Such as copper, zinc, manganese, iron and so on. With the increase of the age and the completion of moulting, the characteristics of Xixiang's escape from the wild duck are becoming more and more obvious. Therefore, the duck houses and outdoor playgrounds must be covered with nylon nets to prevent the wild ducks from fleeing. China Agricultural Network Editor