1. Sowing sunflowers can be seeded gradually from the end of March to the end of spring, but mainly spring sowing. Live broadcast, seeding, and sowing can all be done. Seedlings can be picked up after 40 days of sowing. Picking young leaves can be gradually harvested until late autumn. Seed-feeders, often planted under melons, or mixed with other green leafy vegetables, generally use the live-broadcast method, sowing every 666.7 square meters with an amount of about 6 kilograms. Harvested young leaves are available for sowing. Fallen sunflower seed shell thick and hard, spring sowing dry seeds often have more than 10 days before germination, can be soaked for 1 to 2 days to promote early germination unearthed; summer and autumn sowing are generally 3 to 5 days unearthed, do not need to soak. In spring, it is better to use deep ditch sorghum. Before planting, apply sufficient compost as base fertilizer and apply 4,000 kg per 666.7 square meters. 2. Field management and harvesting Luku management is simple, sowing about 40 days, plants grow 5 to 6 true leaves when the pull out harvest, plant height 20 ~ 25 cm, take the tender stems, the base to retain 2 ~ 3 Leaf, later harvested once every 15 days. Urea and compound fertilizer should be applied after each harvest. Weeds are wet and wet, keeping small water in the production and pouring. Each time we pick it up, we combine watering with fertilization. When the seedling height is about 33 centimeters, the column is erected for climbing. The harvest period is from May to September. The removal of flower stems in time will benefit the enlargement of leaves. China Agricultural Network Editor