Hemi fried spinach

Ingredients: 250 grams of spinach, 10 grams of water dried rice; ingredients for 10 grams of oyster sauce, green onion and ginger a little; seasoning salt, oyster sauce and other appropriate amount.

Production method: Select the spinach clean, cut into sections 3.3 cm long, and dried rice, oyster sauce, green onion pieces and ginger put together; the wok set on fire, pour oyster sauce to be oily, the spinach And the side dish together with the pot, stir fry with a spoon, add salt and other seasonings, stir fry a few times, see spinach was green, the pot can be a plate.

Nutrients: protein 7 grams, fat 10 grams, calories 148 kcal, carotene 6497 micrograms (equivalent to vitamin A1083 micrograms) + animal source vitamin A6 micrograms.

Fried carrot box

Ingredients: 150 grams of carrots, 125 grams of pork; condiments are big oil, flour and flour, protein two; salt, onion, ginger, sesame oil amount.

Production method: the onion, ginger, dried shrimps were cut into pieces; the pork was crushed, add salt, sesame oil, dried shrimps, shallots, ginger, stopper into the filling; protein into a paste, add the group powder, flour and uniform; Carrots are peeled, cut into large pieces of 10 cm long, 3.5 cm wide and 0.2 cm thick, scalded with boiling water, and then cool with cold water, wipe the surface moisture with a clean cloth, the filling is divided into 3 equal parts, every 2 pieces Fill the carrot with the filling, then dip a layer of flour first, and then dip it into a powder paste. Deep fry the oil in the next 5-7 pieces until the outside is apricot. When the stuffing is cooked, remove it, control the oil, and serve it.

Nutrients: Protein 24 grams, fat 50 grams, calories 600 kcal, carotene 5947 micrograms (equivalent to vitamin A 991 micro no) + animal source vitamin A 276 micrograms.

Fried sweet potato puree

Ingredients: Ingredients for the cooked sweet red sweet potato 150 grams; ingredients for melon seeds, walnuts each 5 grams, 40 grams of sugar; condiments 25 grams of large oil.

Production Method: The red sweet potato peeled, get into the mud and put the water inside the bowl and evenly, the white sugar, seeds, walnuts and chopped into the mix thoroughly. Set the pot on fire, pour in big oil, put the sweet potato puree, stir fry with a spoon, stir fry until it sticks. When it is not sticky, it can be served in the pan.

Nutrition: 4 grams of protein, 4 grams of fat, 565 kcal of calories, 1080 micrograms of carotenoids (equivalent to 180 micrograms of vitamin A) +6 micrograms of animal origin.

Egg liver roll

Raw materials: 50 grams of eggs, 20 grams of pork liver, 25 grams of spinach, 6 grams of vegetable oil, onions, ginger, garlic, pepper noodles, and starch.

Production method: Divide the egg into the bowl, mix thoroughly, cut the liver into pieces, put it in a boiling water pot, remove it, and pour it into a puree; pour the egg liquid into a frying spoon with hot oil and spread it into slices. ; The spinach is boiled with boiling water, stir into puree. The fatty liver was mixed with spinach puree and diced green onion, pepper noodles, minced garlic, and salt. Stir evenly on the skin of the egg, and wipe the starch at the edge. Heat the oil in the pot and place it in the egg liver roll. Deep fry until golden brown. Cook and remove.

Nutrients: 11 grams of protein, 12 grams of fat, 159 kcal of calories, and 1962.6 micrograms of vitamin A (of which 108.2 micrograms were derived from carotenoids).

Fried pork liver

Ingredients: Pork liver 250 grams, light blue section 25 grams, 50 grams of cooked wolfberry white tablets; 250 grams of cooked lard, (real consumption 50 grams), sesame oil 5 grams, 15 grams of soy sauce; salt, sugar, vinegar, water, starch amount.

Production method: go to the net of pig liver fascia, cut into 0.2 cm thick slices, put in the bowl, use water starch, salt pulp to be used, cut the onions into oblique pieces to be used. Set the pan on fire, add cooked lard until it reaches 60% of heat, then place it in the liver, scoop it with a scoop, and pour it into the colander when it is discolored. In the original pot, leave a little oil on the fire, add green onion, stir-fried white slices, stir-fry, add soy sauce, sugar, water, starch, put into the liver, topped with sesame oil, vinegar, stir and serve.

Nutrients: Protein 49.4 g, fat 63.6 g, calorie 835.0 kcal, vitamin A 12346.6 μg.
Source: Chinese maternal and infant network