I. Overview

Mainly distributed in Henan, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Liaoning, Jilin and Inner Mongolia. Now it is cultivated in some northern provinces and regions. The main species introduced in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, is Achyranthes bidentata.

Second, the morphological characteristics

Herbs perennial, plant height 40-120cm; root slender cylindrical, 30-100cm long. Skin yellowish, with fine wrinkles, tough slightly tough, easy to break. Stem 4-angled, node geniculate, dilated, opposite branching; simple leaves opposite, leaves lanceolate or oblong; spikes axillary or terminal, post-anthesis extension. Medical teaching. Inflorescence axis densely villous, open or flattened after opening; small bracts acupuncture, 5 perianth, 5 stamens, 1 pistil; cytoplasm oblong, containing a seed, seed length Round, yellow-brown. Seeds of grain weight 1.086g, with sepals 2.31-1.49g; flowering from August to September, fruiting period from September to October.

Third, the reproductive characteristics

1. Requirements for environmental conditions. Achyranthes is a deep-rooted plant, warm and climatic conditions, suitable for growing in dry, sunny, well-drained sandy loam, requiring deep soil, loose soil and fertile, conducive to root growth; sticky orange soil, salt and alkali is not suitable for planting . Not cold, the temperature dropped to -17°C, and most plants died of freezing.

2, production development characteristics. Due to the short growth period and poor quality, the germination rate is only 10-20%, and the yield of the flowers produced is reduced and the quality is degraded. Two-year-old seeds are called seeds, and the germination rate and growth are better. The seeds are usually planted at the age of 21-25°C and the humidity is suitable for cultivation under the original part of the medical education. The seeds are sown for 7-10 days. Can be Qimiao. During the growth period, there is sufficient moisture during the seedling stage and in the autumn, and the excessive water content in the middle period is not sufficient. Both the flowering stage and the post-flowering stage are the periods of vigorous growth of root growth. Management and root growth should be strengthened.

IV. Cultivation Management

(1) Site preparation and soil preparation: Achyranthes bidentata has strong adaptability, and general soil can be planted. However, it is not allowed to choose cultivation sites of saline-alkali soil, heavy clay land, depression land and soil layer book. Deep soil, sunny drying, soil loose and fertile sandy loam planting the most suitable (deep turning, soil preparation, sorghum are required by the planting bellflower). The best conditions to take the best place to apply fertilizer in the autumn, the harvest after the first crop, Mushi high-quality farmyard fertilizer 4000kg, monoammonium phosphate 8-10kg, long-term ammonium bicarbonate in 50-60kg, potassium sulfate 5-7kg, before deep turning, Spread the field surface evenly, and then deep-dip 30-40cm.

(II) Planting and treatment: After 7-10 days of sowing, the seeds shall be subjected to wind-selection and sun-baking for 2-3 days, and the germination experiment shall be conducted. The bud rate of more than 80% is appropriate, and the sowing amount per mu is only 2-2.5 kg. The day before, the seeds were soaked in 20C warm water and soaked for 12 hours. After they had been removed and dried, they were mixed with fine sand or grass ash at a ratio of 1:30 and then sowed.

(3) Suitable sowing: The appropriate sowing period is the key to Achyranthes cultivation. Prematurely, there is no growth block on the ground. The roots are easily divided into medical teachings. The original forks of the breeding nets appear lignified, and they are easy to flower and consume nutrients, affecting the yield and quality. Late, the growth period is shortened, the development is poor, and the yield is reduced. The Yingyingzi area in Chifeng is suitable for sowing in late May to mid-June. There are also sowing fields planted, but no later than the end of June.

(D) sowing method: 1. Drilling. The spacing is 15-20cm, the depth of the ditch is 2-3cm, and the thickness of the cover soil is about 1.5cm. After sowing, it is lightly stepped on with the foot. At the same time, there is no autumn fertilization field, Mushi monoammonium phosphate 8-10kg, potassium sulfate 5-7kg, stratified and stratified into the seeds, the first fertilization covered with a layer of soil medicine education network after the original seeding. 2. Interplanting. In order to increase land use efficiency, it can be planted in wheat rows from late May to early June and harvested that year. 3. Replant. When the medicinal fields such as Codonopsis pilosula and Campanulaceae are incomplete, they can replant Achyranthes bidentata and increase the current year's income.

(five) field management

1, cultivator loose soil: generally 7-10 days after sowing can be seedlings, seedling height 2-3cm, rake the soil by hand scraping, cultivating and weeding at the same time.

2, between the Miao Ding: seedling height 5cm between the Dingmiao, remove the field weeds.

3. Appropriate amount of water: Before the seedling stage and the seedling stage, we should keep the surface wet, and timely watering in case of drought, so as to keep the topsoil dry and loose, and the lower layer of soil is moist, so as to grow downward. After mid-August, the main root basically does not grow underground, and it is necessary to increase the amount of irrigation water in an appropriate manner so as to benefit the main root and increase production.

4, timely dressing: During the growth of Achyranthes 1-2 times during the growing fertilizer, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, general medical education. The original network is not top-dressing, when the plant grows 25cm high, acres of monoammonium phosphate 4-5kg, urea 10kg , Phosphorus dihydrogen 2-3kg.

5, topping root: production days into August, the plant grew too busy field, leaving 30-40cm tall plants, the top with a sickle cut top, can reduce nutrient consumption, promote the main root bold.

Nutrition Enhancer

The requirement using the amount of nutrition enhancers in GB 14880-2012 refers to the actual amount added during production.

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