During the summer solstice, the temperature averaged 25 to 30°C, exceeding the temperature requirement of 20 to 25°C for celery, coupled with the rainy weather, resulting in a humid microclimate. The celery leaf spot disease was extremely prevalent. Its performance symptoms are: yellow leaf spots on the leaves, the leaves gradually dry, the stems rot, the roots appear brown wet rot, heart leaves also began to rot, the damage is more serious. The prevention and control techniques are now described as follows: Use resistant varieties such as Ventura celery. Appropriate sowing is suitable for sowing in Huaibei area in early February. Other areas are subject to local agricultural conditions. The age of transplanting seedlings is 35 to 45 days at a proper time. The seedlings are too young, grow thin, and have a long seedling growth period. They are not easy to survive. Proper planting spacing 20 cm, spacing 4 cm. Strengthen Water and Fertilizer Management Celery likes big and big fertilizers, and often keeps the soil between the plants moist. The ground must be leveled and water must be run. Each irrigation must be flushed with urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, can promote strong, resistant to pests and diseases. Shade nets are used to manage shade tolerance of celery. Using shade nets can enable celery to grow under suitable light conditions, and can lower the temperature so that celery can grow normally. The agent used to prevent and control the occurrence of celery was treated with 65% zeosin 2000 times liquid or 1500 times solution of chlorothalonil methylthiobutramine.