Wheat is an important food crop in China, of which winter wheat accounts for more than 80% of wheat sown area. Winter wheat needs more fertilizer. For every 50 kg of wheat produced, it needs to absorb 1.4-1.6 kg of nitrogen, 0.5-0.75 kg of phosphorus, 1.5-2 kg of potassium, and the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is about 1:0.33:1. According to the cultivation of varieties, soil, climate and other conditions vary.
According to the analysis of wheat plants, 412 kilograms of winter wheat per mu yielded about 40% of the total amount of nitrogen absorbed from seedling emergence, tillering after winter, and 20% of total phosphorus and potassium, from jointing. By the flowering stage, about 48% of the total nitrogen was absorbed, 67% of the total phosphorus, and 65% of the total potassium.
According to the cultivation characteristics of winter wheat, the characteristics of fertilizer requirements and the actual agricultural production, we must grasp several points in scientific fertilization:
To do a good job in the three aspects, the first is to make basic fertilizer. The farmer said that “Meat is rich in the fetus”, and there is an appropriate amount of nitrogen nutrition and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers at the seedling stage to make the wheat seedlings grow as early as possible. There is a certain number of healthy tillers before the winter, and they grow into panicles, increase grain, and gain weight after the spring. basis. The base fertilizer accounts for about 60% to 70% of the total amount of fertilizer. Generally, the Mushi farmyard fertilizer has 1 to 1.5 tons, urea 10 kg or ammonium bicarbonate 25 kilograms, superphosphate 25 kilograms, potassium chloride 5 to 7.5 kilograms, phosphate fertilizer and organic fertilizer. Fertilizer application can also improve fertilizer efficiency. If it is saline on the ground wheat should not be applied potassium chloride, need to change the application of potassium sulfate or potassium nitrate. If compound fertilizer is applied, it is calculated according to the amount of N, P, N, K, or N, P, and K contained in the fertilizer. In high fertility or the application of high-quality farmyard fertilizer as the base fertilizer in wheat, the base fertilizer can not apply nitrogen fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer can be used as topdressing. As for late late buckwheat or under-fertilized wheat, sowing can use 5 kg of ammonium sulfate or 2.5 kg of urea per acre as a seed fertilizer, but ammonium bicarbonate is easily volatilized and burned, and should not be used as a seed fertilizer.
Followed by the skillful application of top dressing, it is beneficial to increase phlegm growth. After the winter wheat seedlings return to green in the northern winter wheat area, according to the seedlings, the wheat seedlings (leaf shape looks like pig ears) catch 15 kg of calcium phosphate per mu, and 10 kg of potassium fertilizer instead of topdressing nitrogen fertilizer to prevent nitrogen wheat seedlings. Passionate, resulting in late lodging and production cuts; the weak seedlings of wheat (leaf shape looks like a horse ear) should pay close attention to early fertilizer, apply 15 to 20 kg per acre of ammonium or urea 5 to 7 kg, the best open ditch deep cover soil, Should not be used to prevent evaporation loss. For wheat fields with weaker growing conditions, wheat should be fertilized when jointing, and 3-4 kg of urea can be used per acre. If the conditions are applied and watering is available, the wheat field will look like a donkey ear. ) It is necessary to control fertilizer and water management during the jointing period to prevent lodging. In the southern winter wheat region, due to the rain and light, the wheat seedlings tend to prosper. Generally, the young seedlings are not applied or returned to the green joint fertilizer, but the seedlings and the panicle-fertilizers are applied depending on the situation. Some fields of wheat at the booting stage may appear to be defertilized at a later stage. At this time, partial fertilization is needed, and 5 to 10 kg of ammonium sulfate or 3 to 5 kg of urea should be applied per acre as a panicle fertilizer.
Finally, foliar fertilization is carried out in the later stages of wheat growth. At this time, the northern wheat area is often affected by dry hot winds, resulting in reduced production. If 0.2% concentration of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (spraying 50 kg of fertilizer per acre, using about 100 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, about 100 grams) will be sprayed 1 or 2 times at the heading flowering stage, and the interval time is 10 days and a half months, which can promote wheat production. Grouting is sturdy and reduces the danger of dry hot wind.
To increase the efficiency of fertilizer production When the crop is lack of fertilizer, the output increases with the increase of the amount of fertilizer. To a certain extent, increasing the amount of fertilizer does not increase the yield, and the benefit from the increase of production per kilogram of fertilizer decreases, and even results in a decrease in production. Scientific fertilization can increase crop yields, yield high benefits, and make good use of fertilizers. Blind fertilization can easily lead to waste. At present, there are excessive fertilization in some high-yield wheat fields, which leads to a reduction in the benefits of increased production, resulting in some fertilizer waste. Fertilizing according to scientific fertilization will increase the yield increase.
The reasonable ratio of N, P and K is applied to the winter wheat region of southern China with N, P or N, P and K fertilizers. The N and P fertilizers are applied in the northern winter wheat region. In some high-yielding fields, attention should be paid to nitrogen control, phosphorus stabilization, and potassium supplementation.
Pay attention to the application method of nitrogen fertilizer applied to the soil faster, generally before sowing and jointing stage application, it is best to deep cover soil. Phosphate fertilizers have poor mobility in the soil, and their fertilizer efficiency is slower than that of nitrogen fertilizers. Many of them are used as base fertilizers before sowing. Potash fertilizers can also be used as base fertilizers in the north because of the climate, but they are best applied in rainy and humid southern wheat areas. Sandy soil fertilization is suitable for fractional application.

Nandrolone steroids is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS), their most popular selling ester on the market are Nandrolone Decanoate(Deca) and Nandrolone Phenylpropionate(NPP). The Raw Steroids of nandrolone are all white crystalline powder. They are not active by mouth and must be given by injection into muscle. You can easily get the finished steroid oils, but there are still many people like brewing by themselves, or getting the semi-finished oils, because they are much cheaper than finished.


People always like compare the effects of different steroid or supplents and try to find the best suitable products for them. The most popular products that helps muscle gain or fat loss on the market are listed as Human Growth Hormone, Bodybuilding Peptides and Sarms Raws . If you are interested in improving your performance, if you want to take your athletic career to the next level, why not try Deca Durabolin? It`s one of the most recognized performance enhancing supplements on the market.


When talking about raws of Deca Durabolin, people also like comparing it with NPP. They both can increase dramatic strength, muscle mass and endurance, get more red blood cell count, and increase collagen synthesis/alleviate joint pain as well.


So what's the difference between the deca and npp raws hormone? Basically, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) is a much shorter acting ester of deca durabolin. As we know, the chemical name of deca is Nandrolone Decanoate. Therefore, it is Nandrolone attached to the decanoate ester. This particular ester takes anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks to get fully absorbed by the bloodstream, which is why the effects of deca take a while to peak and [kick in". Similarly, NPP is a nandrolone, but in this case, it is attached to a Phenylpropionate ester. It takes roughly 3-5 days for this ester to get fully absorbed. Therefore, the phenylpropionate ester is a little slower than the common propionate ester, yet it is still faster than the enanthate ester.


And how to choose between a cycle with Deca or NPP?


Since deca durabolin is such a long ester, and it takes a much longer time to kick in, it would be a better choice to stick with deca on bulking cycles ranging from 12 to 16 weeks. Deca is usually injected twice a week to maintain stable blood levels. In fact, deca is one of the hardest anabolic steroid to recover from, mostly due to its long ester and half life.


On the other hand, NPP is should be injected every other day, making it a wiser choice for shorter cutting cycles, where shorter esters are often recommended. The reason NPP is preferred in cutting cycles is because it starts acting faster than deca and will clear out of the system much faster. Furthermore, NPP is optimal for cutting cycles because usually it gives less water retention and bloating than deca does. This is critical when cutting, as bloat and water weight can have a negative impact on a desired lean physique.


You can have the similar logic to know when bodybuilders run short cutting cycles using Testosterone propionate versus a longer esters such as enanthate or cypionate.


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