1, the source of fish species is now in the high temperature season, the temperature is high, fish species are weak, generally not convenient for long-distance transport. The source of replanting fish species is mostly settled in the local area and can also be caught in natural waters nearby. The fishing grounds for the species are required to be close to the stocking site, fishing and stocking should be closely linked, and the fish species should not be left unattended for a long time. If you can't do it at the moment, you can use the cage to raise or block the operation in the pull network first, but it's best not to exceed two hours. It is forbidden for fish to leave the water.
2. The principle of catching and releasing lightly should always be adhered to in the fishing and entering of fishery species. When fishing, care must be taken to operate slowly and try not to injure fish. The fishing time can be determined when the weather is cool in the morning and evening. Fishing tools should use tools that do not damage the fish body, such as large nets and nets. In the same water body, the number of times of pulling the net can not be too much to cause the fish to float and cause death. The screen will damage the fish and cause the scales to fall off. Do not use it. Dry pond catching will cause the sewage to drown the fish. It will also burn the fish body because of the water. It is best not to use it. For food-eating fish, they can be lured by medicine baits when they are fed, and the nets can be intercepted on their activity routes for centralized capture. This is also a good fishing method.
Second, the stocking and management of fish species
1. Pre-stocking preparations Fish stocks should be well-prepared before stocking, and check whether the inlet and outlet are intact to prevent leakage. If problems are found, they should be resolved immediately. Secondly, observe the situation of the stocked waters. In particular, understand the situation of the fishes in the ponds in order to find out the details and to determine the stocking species and stocking rates. Finally, the water body should be modified once again. Due to the current high temperature, the water is generally turbid, the water is more polluted, the water quality is poor, the bacteria are prone to breeding, and the use of quicklime or alum, etc. is used to spill water to clarify the water and purify the water. If the body of water is thin, it is also necessary to apply fertilizer to cultivate the natural food in water.
2, stocking operations In order to reduce the death of stocking, to ensure the stocking effect, should be added to the selection of fish species. The selected fish species require complete fins, powerful jumps, lively swims, hypertrophy, and no disease or injury. Fish species that are thin, unresponsive, congestive, and mechanically damaged should be removed. The stocked species may be based on the source of the species and stocking needs, but the size of the stocking should be better, and the stocking density can be adhered to the principle of thinning, so that the adult fish at the end of the year can meet the commodity specifications and reduce the growth period. The adverse effects brought by it ensure the aquaculture benefits. When stocking, the fish must be disinfected with drugs and then put into the body of water to prevent the fish from entering the pool and causing the spread of fish diseases. Generally can be used 2% ~ 3% of salt water or 1ppm ~ 2ppm crystal trichlorfon and other liquid soak 3 minutes ~ 5 minutes.
3. After the stocking of the reared stocks of fish species is managed, it is necessary to do a good job in feeding, fertilizing, water quality regulation, fish disease prevention, etc., according to the species, quantity, etc. of stocking. Feed is generally dominated by concentrates to speed up the growth of fish. The daily feeding amount is suitable for 5%~8% of the total weight of the pond fish, and the specific amount is slightly left after feeding. If there are more fish and other fertilizers in the pond, fertilizer can be added. The principle of fertilization should be a small number of times. The organic fertilizer should be fully fermented and then applied to the water body. The Mushi amount is 50 kg to 100 kg. The fertilizer can be ammonium bicarbonate. (5 to 8 kilograms per mu) or urea (3 to 5 kilograms per acre) of the whole pool of water to improve water quality. Within 7 days to 10 days after stocking, strong chlorine (0.3ppm), bleaching powder (1ppm), etc. are used to kill bacteria; crystal trichlorfene (0.4ppm) and copper sulfate (0.5ppm) can be used at intervals. With a mixture of ferrous sulfate (0.2ppm) spilled to kill parasites, effectively prevent the occurrence of fish disease.

Green Peas, According to the color of their cotyledons, Peas are divided into two types: green skin, green peas, and green skin yellow peas. Green peas are green-green peas. Peas in northeast China are the most famous. It is one of China's important food crops. It has a history of 5,000 years of cultivation. Our company can provide two different frozen peas to meet the needs of different people.
The effect and effect of green peas
Daily green peas can provide catechins and epicatechins as two kinds of flavonoid antioxidants. When people get older, there will be more and more free radicals in the body. Free radicals and aging are positively related. Nutrition in green beans can resist. Free radical-induced diseases, delaying the speed of body aging, as well as anti-inflammatory, spectral antibacterial effects.
Kidneys of green peas
[Appropriate population] Green peas are suitable for menopausal women, diabetes and cardiovascular patients, and mental workers and dieters are also very suitable for eating green Peas. These people can eat green beans to improve disease and physical condition.
[Contrained people] People with severe liver disease, peptic ulcer, arteriosclerosis, kidney disease, gout, low iodine and other diseases are not to eat green peas, so as not to aggravate the condition.

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