In plastic greenhouses, the investment of broilers is low and the effect is fast. In winter, the greenhouse effect of plastic films can be used to increase the temperature of the shed, save energy, and improve the efficiency of feed conversion. In winter, it is a good way for farmers to build a broiler to build broilers.
The density of broiler chickens raised in large greenhouses is relatively strict to the growth environment. If the feeding and management level is low, the chickens are prone to infectious diseases such as coccidiosis, chicken flea, colibacillosis, and chronic respiratory diseases. This requires that when broilers are raised, feeding and management should be strengthened, and efforts should be made to provide a good growth environment for broilers, increase the broiler slaughter weight and survival rate, and thus obtain higher economic benefits.
Greenhouse construction
1. The choice of site. The best choice of site is open terrain, well-ventilated, close to water, soil-free, away from the road without noise. Any farmland, village vacant land, orchard vegetable land, floodplain slope, etc. that meet the above requirements can be used. This can provide a suitable living environment for broilers.
2. Building specifications. At present, more double-sloped greenhouses are used. The sheds are 20 to 30 meters long and 7 to 8 meters wide. They are east-west or north-south. The construction area is 140 to 240 square meters and 1,000 to 1,500 broilers can be kept.
3. Build shed materials. The plastic film is about 1 meter longer than the shed and about 2 meters wider than the shed. Based on the shed length of 30 meters and raising 1,500 trees, it will take 200 bamboo rafts that are about 4.5 meters long, 20 bamboo rafts that are about 8 meters long, and about 2,500 bricks. In addition, the appropriate amount of string, wire, wheat straw or grass rake must be prepared.
4. Assembly of greenhouses. Both sides of the greenhouse have brick walls, one end of the gable leaving the door, leaving ventilation holes on both sides, and the other end of the gable only has ventilation holes or windows installed, but also to leave 1 or 2 holes for the use of brooding furnace or heating. A row of columns is planted every 2 meters between the two brick walls, with one middle (the same height as the top of the shed) and two left and right sides (two of which are external and the outside of the shed), a total of five. There are 5 rows of vertical columns. Attached to the top of each row of vertical columns with 8 meters long bamboo poles constitute the longitudinal bracket of the greenhouse. Then use a group of bamboo poles 4.5 meters long. The knots are fastened to each other at intervals of 30 to 40 centimeters, and are tied around longitudinal columns to form a transverse bracket at the top of the greenhouse. In this way, a complete greenhouse scaffold was built.
The plastic film is adhered in advance according to the length and width specifications. When the cover film is selected, there is no wind and snow weather, and the film is directly placed on the scaffold. Then cover the plastic film with 10-20 cm thick wheat straw or other weeds (in order to prevent the grass from falling, a plastic net can be used). Add a layer of grass rake or oily paper on it, and add vertical and horizontal wire anchors to fix it. At the top of the shed, an adjustable vent hole with a diameter of 40 to 50 cm is installed every 3 to 4 meters. Drain the ditch around the shed.
Before brooding, prepare to thoroughly clean the equipment and dust inside the house, and replace the old soil on the surface of the soil with new soil. Inspect and maintain the equipment for heating and lighting in the house to eliminate potential fire hazards. Prepare fuel, light bulbs, lamp holders, etc. Drinking fountains and troughs need to be soaked with 2% fire soda for more than 12 hours, rinsed with clean water, and dried for use.
After the chicken shed was dry on the ground, the surface of the shed was sprayed with 2.5% fire lye. On a dry floor, lay a clean, dry mat with a thickness of not less than 5 cm, such as short straw, wheat straw (6-10 cm), rice bran, peanut shell, etc. Late sand can be used as litter. Evenly arrange all drinking water and feeding equipment.
After the chicken shed was sealed, it was fumigated with formalin and potassium permanganate for 48 hours. After the disinfection, the shed film, doors, and ventilation holes were opened for ventilation. Fumigation method: 28 ml formalin, 14 g potassium permanganate, and 14 ml of water per cubic meter of space in the new house; 40 ml formalin, 20 g potassium permanganate, and 20 ml of water in the old chicken house. . Potassium permanganate is first dissolved into a porcelain basin filled with water, and then formalin is poured. Clean the litter around the porcelain basin. It should be noted that plastic pots cannot be used, otherwise it may cause fire. Before entering the youngest, there must be at least 24 hours of preheating process, so that the temperature in the brooding shed is maintained at 32 °C ~ 35 °C.
The main management measures
1. Temperature management. Broilers have strict temperature requirements throughout the feeding period. The suitable temperature range for broilers is as follows: 1 to 2 days old 34 to 35°C, 3 to 7 days old 32 to 34°C, 8 to 14 days old 30 to 32°C, 15 to 21 days old 27 to 30°C , 22 to 28 days of age 24 °C ~ 27 °C, 29 ~ 35 days of 21 °C ~ 24 °C, 35 days to maintain slaughter at about 21 °C. It should be noted that the temperature listed above refers to the temperature at the height of the back of the chicken. Whether the temperature is appropriate or not, in addition to observing the thermometer, can also be judged by observing the activity of the flock. When the temperature is right, the broilers are lively, well-distributed, have good appetite, have proper drinking water, do not crowd out when sleeping, and are quiet and cannot hear screams. When the temperature is too high, the chicken is not good, away from heat, gasping mouth, reduced feed intake, increased drinking water, often appear diarrhea, long-term high growth and development is slow, lack of luster feathers; temperature is too low, broilers actively close to the heat source , Scream, sleep at night is not quiet, easy crowded or even crushed or sudden death, should be flexible to adjust according to different circumstances.
2. Humidity management. Suitable relative humidity for broilers is 50% to 70%. In general, the required humidity before day 10 is a little larger, up to 70%, which is good for promoting the absorption of the yolk in the abdomen of chicks and preventing dehydration of chicks. After 10 days of age, the relative humidity is less, and it can be kept at about 65%. This will help keep the shed dry and prevent the coccidiosis from being caused by damp litter.
3. Lighting management. The purpose of light is to prolong the feeding time of broilers and promote growth. One illumination schedule is 23 hours of light and 1 hour of darkness throughout the entire feeding period. This method can increase the mortality of broilers in the middle and later stages. At present, the following illumination schemes are generally used: 24-hour light at 1 to 2 days, 16 hours at 3 to 42 days, 8 hours at dark, 23 hours at 43 days, and 1 hour at dark. This light program does not affect the growth of broilers. It can also improve the survival rate. The principle of light intensity requirements is strong and weak. It should reach 3.8 watts per square meter at 1 to 7 days, 3.2 watts per square meter at 8 to 42 days, and 1.6 watts per square meter at 42 days of age. The early light is stronger, which helps to help chicks become familiar with the environment and to fully eat and drink. Late light is harmful to broilers and hinders growth. Low light can keep chickens quiet and conducive to growth and development. In addition, in order to make the light intensity distribution uniform, do not use a bulb of 60 watts or more. The lamp height is 2 meters and the lamp distance is 2 to 3 meters.
4. Breeding density management. Whether the broiler stocking density is reasonable or not has a lot to do with raising broilers and making full use of the chicken house. When the breeding density is too high, the air quality in the shed is reduced, which can easily lead to infectious diseases. It also leads to crowded chickens and snatches each other, resulting in uneven weight development. The stocking density is too small, and the efficiency of the shelter is low. Broiler stocking density depends on different age, season, temperature and ventilation conditions. The following stocking densities (per square meter) are available for reference: 40 at 1 to 7 days, 30 at 8 to 14 days, 27 at 5 to 21 days, 21 at 22 to 28 days, 29 to 35 days of age 18 Only 14 to 36 to 42 days old, 10 to 11 on 43 to 49 days old, and 9 to 10 on 50 to 56 days old.
In the greenhouse, the ambient temperature controls low outside temperature in winter, and the average temperature is usually in the range of 0°C to 10°C, and the lowest temperature is -10°C. The temperature requirement in the shed is generally not lower than 18°C. To achieve this goal, a row of 2m high enclosures can be built around bricks or straw around the 1 meter line of the shed to block the cold north wind from invading the shed. . All the shed film was closed. When there was sunlight, about 0.9 to 1 m of grasshoppers were set off on the front slope of the east and west sheds. The south and south sheds lifted the east side of the rice dumplings in the morning and the western side rakes in the afternoon, which facilitated the warming of the shed. At night or in cloudy snow, all the sheds can be closed. If necessary, one or two stoves can be produced to warm the shed. In addition, the winter broiler breeding density can be increased to 10 to 12 / square meters, which is also conducive to the temperature inside the shed.
Another problem that is difficult to deal with raising broilers in winter is the elimination of harmful gases in the shed, because excessive ventilation is not conducive to insulation in the shed. The solution: First, make full use of the vent holes on the roof and the gables on both sides, and open the exhaust hole when the temperature rises during the day. Second, dry sand is often used to replace contaminated litter, which is conducive to maintaining the temperature in the shed and preventing the generation of harmful gases.
The temperature of the brooding is relatively high, and the end of the greenhouse without doors can be isolated (approximately 1/5 to 1/4 of the total area), and the middle is covered with a film. The inside of the furnace is 1 to 2 stoves (the diameter of the chimney is 14 to 18 cm). Warming and brooding. Conditions can also be used underground fire or heating radiators. With the increase of the age, the temperature requirement gradually decreases, the breeding area increases, the temperature can be gradually reduced as required, and the breeding area is expanded until the barrier film is removed.
Feeding technical points
1. Drink water. When the chicks just entered the brooding shed, they should first feed water, and the best drinking temperature should be within 3 to 5 days of age. The water temperature should be the same as the room temperature, and the drinking water should be changed later. In addition to requiring water restrictions for the administration of drugs and epidemic prevention, drinking water supply cannot be interrupted. The quality of drinking water is fresh, clean and hygienic. Drinking fountains are cleaned daily and regularly sterilized.
2. Feeding. Just 2 hours after drinking water when feeding young animals. In the first 5 to 7 days of age, feed can be sprinkled on clean newspapers, plastic sheets, or feeding trays for chickens to feed. In order to save on feed and reduce waste, buckets should be gradually added from the age of 4 to 5 days, and barrels of 7 to 8 days of age should be used afterwards. In addition to the second week of limited feeding, the other time free to feed, that is, how much to feed how much to feed. In the second week, restricting the feeding of 90% satiety can reduce the incidence of sudden death in broilers. Feeding times should be appropriate, generally 8 times a day in the first week, 7 times a day in the second week, until the slaughter feed 5 to 6 times a day. Generally, every 20 to 30 chickens need a bucket. After the bucket is placed, its edge should be equal to the back of the broiler. Each time the feed should not be added too much, it can reduce feed waste and pollution. 0-3 weeks of age with the previous material, 4-5 weeks of age with medium-term material, 6 weeks of age until the slaughter of the late material. It should be noted that during the conversion of feed between stages, there should be a gradual transition, with an adaptation period of 3 to 5 days. If the sudden refueling is likely to cause a greater stress response in the broiler, it will cause the disease.
3. Disease prevention and disease prevention procedures. Suggested immunization procedures: 4 to 5 days of kidney chicken infectious oil emulsion inactivated vaccine per chicken 0.25 ml intramuscular injection, 7 to 9 days of age chicken Newcastle disease IV line of seedlings + transmission of H120 secondary seedlings, eye drops, once each ( Or at the same time each chicken neck subcutaneous injection of 0.2 ml chicken Newcastle disease oil emulsion inactivated vaccine), 14 to 16 days old bursal poisoning seedlings doubled the amount of drinking water or lyophilization of vaccines double weak drinking water, 26 to 28 days The age of the bursal poisoning vaccine doubled the amount of drinking water, 31 to 33 days old chicken Newcastle disease IV seedlings double the amount of drinking water (such as 7 to 9 days have been injected Newcastle oil vaccine can be exempted from this).
Proposed medication program: 1 day old oral rehydration salts, quick supplement -14 drinking water; 2 to 6 days old, 100% drinking water, 2 times a day. Gentamicin can also be used for 40,000 units/liter drinking water, 8 to 12 days of doxycycline powder 0.005% to 0.01% drinking water; 15 to 17 days of norfloxacin pure powder 0.005% drinking water, after 15 days of age use a variety of Anticoccidial drugs (such as Maduramycin, Chlorphenphine, Salinomycin, etc.) are used alternately, and the drug is stopped for 7 days for 5 days. From 31 to 33 days of age: cyproterone kills or 0.005% of Ennokiller drinks water.

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