Liver and kidney Yin eat what food?

Liver and kidney yin deficiency is caused by deficiency of both liver and kidney viscera. In many cases, it is caused by prolonged illness and kidneys, internal injuries, lack of blood, and damage to the liver and kidneys. Liver and kidney yin deficiency, in the diet can not be too greasy, but also need to be rich in nutrition. Can eat sheep bones, animal liver and kidney, sesame, cowpea, mussels, scallops, yam, wolfberry fruit and so on. Tonic liver and kidney, but also more water, less alcohol, try to maintain the five flavors are not biased, eat less spicy food.


1. Yam

The symptoms caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency can be conditioned by eating yam and jujube daily. Yam has the functions of strengthening the spleen and tonifying the lung, tonifying the stomach and kidney, solidifying the kidney and benefiting the essence, concentrating on the eyesight, helping the five internal organs, strengthening bones and bones, longing for peace, and prolonging life.

2, mushrooms

According to legend, Zhu Yuanzhang often eats mushrooms in the palace, and he also calls it "longevity food." According to traditional Chinese medicine, mushrooms are sweet and non-toxic, and they are used in the liver and stomach. They have the effect of supplementing liver and kidney and benefiting blood and blood. Eat some mushrooms in winter, you can qi and blood.

3, grapes

Chinese medicine believes that the grape is sweet, slightly acidic and flat, and has the effects of supplementing liver and kidney, benefiting qi and blood, appetizing power, body fluid, and urinating. When eating grapes, it is best to eat whole. If you feel that the taste is not good, you can use grape juice and grape juice to drink. But to be reminded that the grape cool, cold people do not eat too much at a time.

4, Cordyceps

Cordyceps militaris always has the effect of invigorating the lungs, tonifying the kidneys and protecting the liver and nourishing the liver, and it is chiefly responsible for the cough and shortness of breath caused by deficiency of the lungs and kidneys. Modern medicine has also found that it has the role of balancing hormones and improving immunity. It has a lot of tonic effects and is most suitable for people with liver and kidney yin deficiency.

5. Mulberry

Mulberry has nourishing yin tonic effect, can make up the yin of liver and kidney. "Ben Cao Jing Shu" said that Mulberry "for the benefit of cold blood and blood yin medicine" for people with liver and kidney yin deficiency, the most suitable for patients with hypertension.

6, 枸杞

Scorpion sex is sweet, is the most commonly used traditional Chinese medicine to nourish the liver and kidney, and folks are also used to drink tea with wolfberry fruit to adjust liver and kidney. All menopausal women should eat, on the liver and kidney yin loss, Yin Huo-wang, dizziness, backache and leg soft, food is quite beneficial.

7, black beans

Li Shizhen recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Everything eats black beans, can not be sick." For kidney yin deficiency, drinking too much thirst, frequent urination; liver and kidney yin deficiency, dizziness, blurred vision, or premature White; athlete's foot edema, or wet phlegm, back pain; abdominal urgency to make pain or diarrhea abdominal pain; medication poisoning or drinking too much.

8, soft-shelled turtle

The soft-shelled turtle can nourish and cool the blood, and is used to make up for the good. It can nourish the yin of the liver and kidney, and the heat of the Qing dynasties. It is suitable for yin deficiency and wang deficiency caused by chronic illness, labor and injury. Steamed bones, hot flashes, night sweats, weak bones and soft feet are more appropriate.

9, squid

The squid has the effect of supplementing liver and kidney, benefiting the spleen and stomach, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, and has a good tonic effect on people with insufficient liver and kidney. Carp meat is white and tender, with no smell, and the meat is garlic-shaped. It is best steamed, braised or stewed.

10, flower plastic

Do not want to eat Chinese medicine, Yin Xuan woman may wish to choose to eat plastic flowers. Because it has the benefits of nourishing the liver and kidney, nourishing yin to make fluid, and strengthening bones and muscles, it can be refreshed and ruddy. The rich protein can make the skin elastic and suitable for women.

11, sesame

Sesame Gan Ping, there is liver and kidney, Run five internal organs. Such as "Ben Cao Jing Shu," has recorded: "Sesame, peace of smell, not cold and heat, make up the good kidney of the liver and kidney." Especially people with kidney weakness, backache, dizziness, tinnitus, hair falling and early years of white Hair, dry stool, the most suitable food.


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